“Hone your craft, but don’t stop exploring.” (said by the beatboxer in Pentatonix, you know I’m their biggest fan.) During last months I’ve been going through a season of wanting to try all the other forms of lettering than the one I’m good at. I’m the best at small, precise pen lettering, but brush lettering and 3D forms and actual calligraphy isn’t exactly my jam. At first it was fun to bounce around to each style, but then I started thinking maybe it was wasting time or not really adding value to my business. But as soon as I heard this quote, it all made sense. It’s okay to explore. It’s okay to wander a little bit from your ‘usual’ if it means you’re learning. Don’t abandon what you are good at, in fact, keep working really hard at that. Hone that. But also don’t be afraid to branch out a little! Be bold!
Author: Sr
JT + CHRIS STAPLETON COLLAB– Duh, how could this not be on my list?! I just can’t even imagine what it would have been like to witness this magic LIVE last night at the CMAs! The amount of fun and passion and pure jamming that was going on still blows my mind and I was only watching from my couch.
NOVEMBER – I’m really glad November is here. Usually I am allllllll about October… But this October was a hard month for me because my Grandma passed away. Plus I had record amount of photo shoots, so working so much while also processing my Gram’s passing was a little much for me! Needless to say I welcomed November with open arms.
YEARS & YEARS – More musical things coming atchya, sorry (but not really). You need to listen to Years & Years new full-length album. I’d say their style is chill-but-with-great-beats-and-even-better-vocals. Basically perfection for all activities, including but not limited to: working out, driving, focusing on work or even dancing in the kitchen.
MY NEW iPHONE + CASE – This is so materialistic of me, so I hate to even write this. But. I upgraded my dinky 5c to a snazzy 6s and I have to say that I’m pretty obsessed. The size is perfect and bonus that the screen isn’t cracked in three places. 😉 Also, my Rifle Paper Co. case will be here any day and I can’t WAIT! Hashtag safety.
Coffee Date!
It’s been a long time since I had a coffee date with ya’ll! First I want to share recent Etsy Shop work! This is a family crest which I so love and adore because it’s so personal. I feel like it’s almost as good as family photos (but not quite as good 😉 ) because of the legacy it leaves. I worked with my client to incorporate all the important life/family things into their crest: the state tree of West Virginia (where they were married), the year they were married, the mountains of Kentucky (where they now live), a cross and a shield that is based off of their family Bible verse, and ocean waves for their favorite place to vacation. I created this with pen and watercolors and it was really fun for me to make!
I’ve been re-growing my nails out since the beginning of September, mostly because I really missed doing fun designs on them! These days I’m sticking with the less time-consuming design of polka dots, but I plan on getting more creative once my photo season winds down. Look out for fun Christmas designs! 🙂
NEWS! I started a YouTube channel on a whim! (Like most of my creative endeavors, this has the possibility to be either short, medium or long term.) Obviously you know I love making art and listening to good music, so I decided to combine the two and do some live-painting to my favorite songs. The idea came to me as I was trying to fall asleep one night and the next morning I had to try it! First I set up my paints and my camera, and then I turn on a GREAT song and paint what I feel and hear! Live! In real time! So basically these are short, abstract watercolor sessions (with me singing along in the background, but I try to keep that to a minimum 😉 ) Here’s the result from my latest:
In other non-artsy news, Nate and I booked a weekend trip to DC in a couple weeks! I’m so excited! We went once before, the summer of 2013, and had SO much fun, so I am really excited to make some new memories. I’m wondering if you have any must-see places (or more importantly, must-eat-at restaurants) you’d recommend?? Please share!!
Favorite New England Kayaking Locations
If you’re new around these parts: Nate and I invested in some pretty sweet kayaks at the beginning of the summer! We kayaked 2-3 times a month from June through October, but now that our kayaks are all packed up for the winter, I wanted to share / reminisce about all the cool places we took them!
Charles River via Elm Bank – to the right
When you get to Elm Bank in South Natick, MA, drive around the one-way loop until you cross a small stone bridge. Park in the lot to your right and from there you’ll carry your kayaks down to the water (a one minute walk). Start kayaking off to the right! It’s a quiet and narrow part of the river and the water is calm.
Charles River via Elm Bank – to the left
If you start kayaking to your left, you will go under a small bridge in the first 5 minutes. This part of the river is wider and you’ll see pretty houses along the banks. We also saw a family of ducklings 🙂 We spent about 30 minutes kayaking away, and then another 30 minutes to come back to the shore.
Dug Pond, Natick MA
Dug Pond is very pretty and had really clear water when we visited in August. You can kayak around the perimeter in about 30 minutes so it’s easy to do twice. Dug has a little island that you can stop at and explore (we didn’t, but it’s possible). There is also a sand bar about halfway across the pond that you could stop, hop out and swim at!
Spofford Lake, Spofford NH
Spofford is a large lake; I would allot at least an hour to go around the perimeter. And I would also suggest sticking to the perimeter because there are lots of speed boats during the summer. Spofford also has a large island that you can explore and swim near (with a rope swing! you’ll see it on the east side). Summer sunrises are a dream to watch – it’s so worth it to start kayaking early! (or late, if you’re a sunset person 😉 )
Charles River via Nahanton Park
This is a great place to meet your friends if they want to join you on the water, but need to rent boats. Charles River Canoe and Kayak is stationed there, so it’s easy to rent. But they also allow owners to drop their boats in, since it’s public property. We really liked this part of the Charles. It was very wide-open and we saw so many different birds flying around. We easily kayaked out for an hour, and back for an hour. Probably one of our longest jaunts!
Charles River via Bridge St. in Dover – to the left
This tiny parking lot is immediately off the road, so be on the lookout! It comes up quickly. This was probably our least favorite outing, simply because the water was very murky and dirty when we went in early September. I have no idea if that was because of the season, or what. But we did see some heron and geese, and it was still a nice ride.
Charles River via Bridge St. in Dover – to the right
We tried the same place about a month later and the water had cleared up, plus the leaves were colorful! We started out the opposite direction and ended up liking it more because it was more interesting (aka: big, pretty houses to look at). There were some rocky parts, so be careful of that. We saw more heron! This part of the Charles is definitely where we saw the most wildlife.
Walden Pond, Concord MA
I didn’t kayak this, I swam it! But Nate kayaked by my side and then did a loop on his own. It’s a smaller pond; it only took him about 25 minutes to go around the perimeter. We were there in July, but I’m betting fall is gorgeous!
You might notice that Lake Kanasatka, the New Hampshire lake where my dad’s side of the family owns a cottage, is missing from the list. Well, that’s because we were only up there for a total of 4 days this summer, and unfortunately the car with our kayak racks on it was in the shop during that time! So we were kayak-less! 🙁 Next year, definitely.
I hope this was a helpful list for all ya’ll kayakers out there! I have sooo many places already on my list that I want to explore for next year. Do you know of any places we neeeeed to visit? Mass, New Hampsh, even Maine! We’ll take any suggestions 🙂
Weekly Obsessions
For the last two weeks we’ve randomly picked up a box of brownies at the grocery store. It’s not like us to get stuff we don’t really need, but BOY! is it yummy to eat brownies while you watch TV at night. I secretly hope this becomes a weekly thing!
If you know me at all then you KNEW this was going to be an obsession!! 🙂 It’s only been a week but I obviously already know the words to my favorites (which are: Misbehavin’, Take Me Home, Light in the Hallway, Can’t Sleep Love, New Year’s Day & Rose Gold). Even though I definitely have favorites, I really think all the songs are great (except First Things First. I can’t get into that one for some reason). Anyways, it’s magic. GO LISTEN! Spotify has it! But actually… Go buy it, because buying music is cool.
Back in the day before my photography business was real, nature was the only thing that let me take photos of it 😉 And I really loved it! So now that my favorite season is here, I’m choosing to make time once a week to go on a walk in nature with my camera. AND I’M OBSESSED.
It’s so out of character for me to be sharing a recipe, but I have to! We’ve eaten this meal twice in the last two weeks! It’s such a great fall dinner! (Also, you could totally add ground beef or turkey to this.)
– Cut an acorn squash in half, place in glass dish with water in the bottom & microwave for 8 minutes.
– Meanwhile, start making 1 cup of orzo from directions on the box.
– Meanwhile again! Cut up a white onion and sautee in butter on high heat it for 5 minutes.
– Add to the pan a can of drained chick peas, a bag of frozen corn and thyme, salt and pepper to taste.
– Add orzo to the mixture. Cook all that together until it’s hot.
– Spoon into acorn squash and top with shredded mozzarella cheese.
– Place in oven until cheese is melted. Eat! SO easy!
What are you loving this week?!