Hello friends! It’s been a while, but I’ve had a few great questions asked about my art endeavors recently so let’s get into it! (see my art at stephanieritacreative.bigcartel.com)
– When did you decide to focus more energy into your art? – Last October! I had a long & inspired brainstorm session with myself and the result was the decision to create for myself a practice in painting. Doing it often, with intention. Making art has always been very important to me and I needed to honor that by putting a strong amount of energy into it. With the practice of painting comes many, many physical paintings! And what do you do with them? You sell them. So here we are! 😉
– Doesn’t your art business feel like it’s happening really fast? – Hmm… It does feel fast in the sense that I am painting way more often and intensely than ever, and I’m talking about my art 100% more than before. But truly, I think it feels more like “a long time coming” than it does “fast”. I have been making art my whole life, went to art school, was actually very close to minoring in painting (6 credits away, bad planning on my part), have been running a photography business since 2013 and even dabbled in selling lettering art between 2014-16. So being a creative, and a creative business owner, is not new or fast to me!

– Why now? – I’m energized and motivated. I have ideas and visions. I am focused. I have a litttttttle extra time now that my toddler has a consistent nap schedule, ha!! So why NOT now?
– What are your favorite things to paint? – I’m not as much of a ‘things’ painter as I am a ‘feelings’ painter. I pick colors that feel good in the moment and go with my gut on what the painting will look like! Sometimes they start one way and end up completely different. I’m inspired by seasons and music and moods, so those always play into my art, too.
– How did you get your art in to a coffee shop? – (For those that don’t know, I have 8 original paintings hanging in Cafe 641 in Hudson, MA!) I asked!! I researched the contact person for my town’s art association, emailed them and asked if they had any openings this year. And they did! Their team vetted my portfolio and told me they would get me in “sometime this year”. Which actually happened to be about 3 weeks later 🙂 Moral of the story, ask for what you want, friends.
– What about your photography business? Does that still exist? – YES!!! I would never leave my precious photo business behind, don’t worry! Stephanie Rita Photography is my first bizbaby and I love it more each day.