Weekly Obsessions


JULIA BLAKE ART – Julia’s bright, bold works of art are some of my favorites in my Instagram feed. Her work is full of texture, and I love the way she paints poppies (pictured above)! Julia is also a co-founder of the WICKED COOL Artist Common in Belchertown, MA. Her and her team renovated an old church and now artists can rent it out for artist retreats! I’m planning a fall visit to see the space and do some painting!

EVENINGS ON THE PORCH – Nate and I bought a patio set and we’re totally enjoying being outside so often this summer! I do my work out there during the day, and we eat, chat and read outside in the evenings. I honestly think our living space doubled in size. We always light a few candles on the table (no tiki torches yet) and most weeknights we grill chicken or fish and a yummy veggie. Besides our neighbors constantly using power tools, it’s pretty perfect out there. 😉

OLD SCHOOL MAROON 5 – Maybe it’s hipster of me to say this, but no Maroon 5 album will be quite as epic as their Songs About Jane album. I’ve been feeling nostalgic, so lately that’s all I’ve been listening to! P.S. This album came out when I was in 7th grade… I’m so old.

THE WILD DIET – I listen to a slew of podcasts and one of my favorites is called Fat Burning Man with Abel James. Abel recently published a cookbook called the Wild Diet, and besides having great recipes (I’ve only tried a couple, but they’ve all been on point), it also includes a WEALTH of knowledge about clean eating, the food industry, and other nerdy healthy stuff that I’m really interested in. So! Check it out both the podcast and the cookbook if you’re into natural health and wellness stuff!

Happy Friday!

(If you’d like to be featured in weekly obsessions, email me at lettersfromrita@gmail.com for more info. FYI: I won’t feature anything that I am not COMPLETELY obsessed with. So. Good luck.)

Weekly Obsessions

weekly obesssions
(I stole this series title from Superfruit, thanks guys)

BRIMFIELD ANTIQUE FAIR – I’m obsessed with Brimfield. So are people from all over the country/world. Not joking, it’s pretty famous. I’ve been probably 6 different times over the course of 4 years to explore the vintage, old, dusty, treasure-y goodness, my latest trip being last week. Even when you think you’ve seen everything, there is ALWAYS more to see/buy. My favorite booth to peruse is the old postcard station! The next fair happens September 8th-13th!

THIS SONG –  This song is my summer jam, which is not a surprise, since it’s all about summer. Been singing this all week at the top of my lungs, and good thing because I just got tix to see Ben’s live show in October!! EEEE!!!

HEARTCRAFTED CO. –  One of my roommates from college, Amanda, owns an Etsy shop based in Philadelphia. She specializes in creating wooden, hand-painted signs and just went full time with her business a few months ago!! Talk about rocking it out on the handmade homefront! I love her lettering style. It’s bold, with a little flirty mixed in, but she still keeps it classic! Her wedding signs are my favorite!

GINGER ICE CREAM – Sounds crazy, tastes crazy, is crazy… good. I’ve had ginger ice cream twice in the past 3 weeks and I can’t get enough. It’s sweet, spicy and summery all at the same time. Maple Valley Creamery sells their pints in local grocery stores! Get some, I promise you it’s the yummiest thing ever.

(If you’d like to be featured in weekly obsessions, email me at lettersfromrita@gmail.com for more info. FYI: I won’t feature anything that I am not COMPLETELY obsessed with. So. Good luck.)