WE’RE BACK with Weekly Obsessions, hey HI long time wow.

The Umbrella Academy – A new Netflix series that has me all like “This is so weird” “I like them” “This is weird” “OMG WHAT” “Wait…. how?!” “SO WEIRD” “He’s my fave” “WHAT IS HAPPENING” ….. So yeah. It’s kind of superhero-y. Very well written. A little creepy? Definitely weird. You should probably watch it so we can talk about it, thanks so much.
Trader Joes – I don’t shop there very often, so every time I do I’m reminded how wonderful it is. They have so many fun foods. But the biggest perk is they have a great flower selection to brighten up my cold winter heart.
Maggie Rogers – Heard it in a Past Life – If you haven’t listened to Maggie’s debut album, what are you waiting for. Honestly. Go go go. This girl can sing and write and also tear out your heartstrings and also make you want to go hiking. I don’t know, probably not, but I felt that once.
Argan oil – This is actually a “multiple months” obsession, but I love this stuff for my face and hair. I am in a DEEP season of postpartum hair loss and have been massaging my scalp with argan oil to hopefully combat that. And, it’s a great detangler! The only detangler I will use now! Try it, it makes you feel earthy.
None of these are sponsored, you’re very nice and cute for thinking that.
Thanks for being here on this random fun blog that has no real point except to ramble about my life to someone other than my 5 month old. 😉