It’s the last day of October, aka Halloween, and I have things. Updates. Thoughts. To share with this little corner of the world. No one will listen, but it helps me remember.
British Baking Show: This season was so so so sweet and adorable. Like, even more than usual, maybe? These bakers just seem so nice and I want to be their friends. To be actual friends, but also to have friends that bake amazing things. Also, does the opening song immediately relieve anyone else’s stresses?
DIY Halloween costumes: I try, really I do. Every year I have a vision, but I guess I’m just not good at executing the vision. Anyways, my kid was an astronaut and his costume consisted of ironing a $3 NASA patch on the back of a gray sweatshirt that we already owned. He was fine with it 🙂

Interior Design: We bought our first house! And, again, I had all these grand visions of really cool interior design plans. We’ve been here over a month and about 41% of these plans have happened. I need the function of each space to work first, and then I will really go full speed ahead on the design and cohesiveness of everything. I hope. Maybe I’ll just decorate for Christmas.
Public Library kid programs: I saw “free music time” on the library schedule and was like AWWW wow that is so nice, let’s do it. So we went. And it was A THOUSAND CHILDREN AND ONE MUSIC LADY. Ok, like 60 children but still. Just nuts. I was overwhelmed, and my kid just stared at me like, this is weird why are we here? But we stayed a while, and then he started his little wiggly dances hahaha and it was pretty cute.
Charleston: Nate and I were supposed to go to Napa for a little getaway without our kid, but there are wildfires happening all over the area, so we rerouted our plans to Charleston, SC. We leave next week and I’m really excited. I’ve heard it’s colorful and has great food and that’s really all I need!
Those are my October things! Happy Halloween!