If you follow my instagram, you know I’m currently enrolled in a watercolor class at the local tech high school. I signed up because I’ve always wanted to actually learn watercolor (instead of faking it) and I also saw the class had good reviews.
So here I am. The youngest by 20 years in a 3 hour-once-a-week-class-that-gives-homework. And I’m loving it. I forgot how much fun learning is. Even though I have a rich history with art classes, (I took more art classes during my senior year of high school than I did academic classes) (plus 4 years of a BA in Communications Design) (plus enough painting classes that I could have declared a minor, but didn’t) I am not a great art student. I like to do things the way I want to do things. But this class feels different (and maybe I’ve grown up a little) (and maybe watercolor is just really hard). I want to know the right way to do it, and I’m trying to soak up all of my instructor’s 80 years of watercolor knowledge. SO YEAH enough parentheses, Stephanie.
I’ll keep you updated.
This has been a blog post. 😉