Grateful for women who are creative and brave to write and share their world with strangers. Some of Kate’s poems were beautiful and made me smile. Some were hard to read, too close to home. There is a wide range of joy, melancholy, grief and truth in her words and I appreciate that she was open to feeling everything.

This was really, really good, I couldn’t put it down. Emira, a 25 year old black woman, is the victim of a racially charged incident while babysitting for an affluent white family. The relationship between Emira her boss Alix “after” the fact changes, and the whole story is super nuanced and well written.

A high school football game fight turns into citywide riots. This story follows Lena, a black girl, and Campbell, a white girl, as they reluctantly team up to get themselves to a safe place. Written from each of their perspectives, this book brings to light the differences that black and white teens see and experience, and how they each might respond in tense racial situations. Their friendship grows as the girls realize they are each both more capable than they originally thought of each other. I read this in a day, couldn’t put it down.