Let’s talk EMBROIDERY. It’s currently my main creative outlet, but only since last September. I tried this hobby on a whim, just before Julien was born. I had watched a couple Instagram tutorials and thought it looked cool, and that’s honestly how I decided to start haha! So I went to Joanne’s and got a few basic supplies, just to try it out.
Super beginner embroidery supply list:
– Hoop – size of your choice (~$2)
– scrap fabric (cheapest option) or small cut of fabric ($2-4)
– pack of embroidery needles ($1.50)
– 3-4 few colors of embroidery thread ($.60 each)
I’m not joking when I say that, to learn this skill, I watched upwards of 100 Instagram and YouTube tutorials. (The internet can be helpful sometimes 😉 ) Eventually, after lots of finger pokes and knotted threads and more tutorials, I felt like I had a decent hang of the craft. It definitely takes practice. And patience!! For real, don’t be discouraged, you will develop the muscle memory and get better the longer you practice!

Until I started embroidery, my art had exclusively been 2d (graphic design, lettering, painting, photography). But thanks this new adventure, the idea of 3d art, specifically textiles, has become really fascinating to me. I am actually looking into learning about the loom! What I’m loving the most about embroidery is all the textures that the layered, crossed & knotted thread makes.

I wanted to share more specifics about one project. The photos above are of my jean jacket! It was hard for me to make progress on this jacket at first, because I was scared that I would mess it up. It was the first embroidery project that I couldn’t scrap if I didn’t like it. Plus it’s my jean jacket, so I was worried if I didn’t completely love the design that I would never actually wear it. Thankfully I just went with the flow and now, the more I work on it, the more I love it! It’s slightly inspired by Santa Fe colors and style and I’m hoping to have it done soon, so I can wear it during the spring season.
Is there anything you want to know about embroidery? I’m not an expert, but I have a few tips and tricks if you need them! Let me know in the comments.
PRO TIP: If the thought of coming up with your own designs is what is keeping you from trying embroidery, find a KIT!! Search Etsy for embroidery kits, pick a design you like, and you will be sent everything you need to make that design. It’s not the least expensive way to jump into embroidery, BUT it’s convenient and will give you a good starting point.