Resources for Planning a Europe Trip

letters from rita blog in europe

Nate and I have been planning a trip to Italy for a few months now, and we’re leaving in less than 2 weeks! It doesn’t feel real! When we first started planning it was a little overwhelming, so I wanted to share some resources that have helped up figure out where we want to go, what we want to see, and the flights to get us there. 🙂

Rick Steves
I don’t even know this man, but he is everything to me. He is an expert on all things Europe and his guides are so thorough. The best part is that he clues you in on hidden gems to see and tricks for traveling in each specific country. We consulted Rick’s Scotland guide when we went in 2013, so we knew we needed him as our Italy guide too!

Blogs + Pinterest
Um, how do you pack for 2.5 weeks in Italy in one carry-on and a small suitcase?! You ask Pinterest, of course. Through that, I found two posts, To Brighten My Day and Earnest Home Co, and they really helped me decide what to pack (and what I needed to buy) for the trip! I’m packing mostly neutrals and blues, and keeping things fun and flowy!

I have had the BEST time perusing hashtags related to Italy on Instagram! It’s kind of a long, round-about way to find places you want to visit, but it’s also the prettiest way 🙂 I have a list of sights that I came across, that hopefully we’ll see in real life! Hint: usually you can search certain cities + countries by adding IG or IGERS to the front of the name. For instance, I’ve been searching #IGItaly and #IGERSRoma a lot.

Cute places that feel like home, and generally less expensive than chain hotels. We have 4 booked and they all look amazing! I can’t wait to get there!

Nate was in charge of booking flights and eventually found ours through He said it was super easy to use and it was good to be able to compare prices. This is probably already common knowledge, but I just thought I would share!

Your Local Library
BOOKS, YO! Why does no one think of going to the library anymore? It makes the most sense! 🙂 🙂

Hopefully this was helpful to you guys! Anyone have any fun trips planned this summer?

P.S. None of this is sponsored, haha.

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